Talitha Cum! The Grace of Solidarity in a Globalized World
Talitha Cum! The Grace of Solidarity in a Globalized World
World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) Publications
WSCF, Geneva, 2004.


Globalization(s): Local/Global Impacts, Options and Readings
Musa DUBE: Talitha Cum! Calling the Girl-Child and Women to Life in the HIV/AIDS & Globalization Era
Rebecca TODD PETERS: What are we to DO? Examining the Moral Challenges of Solidarity for the First World
Bertrand TIENTCHEU: Université, Renaissance Africaine et Mondialisation La mission prophétique des jeunes universitaires chrétiens africains dans nos sociétés en crise
Elizabeth JOY: The Healing of the Woman with Hemorrhage and Talitha Cum as Models for Dalit Liberation
Denise NADEAU: Affirming and Transforming Relations: Refugee Women and Imperial Violence
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: "Your Faith Has Made You Well. Go in Peace, and Be Healed of Your Trouble": The Ecumenical Condition and Dialogue in Europe
Regina MUSSELMAN-PÉREZ: Deus Loquens: La Otredad en los Espacios Públicos y Privados, Jesús y la Samaritana

Globalization(s): Local/Global Theories, HIstories and Movements
Anne STICKEL: Cambios paradigmáticos: Ninguna transformación del mundo sin la transformación de nosotras/os
Eliseo PÉREZ-ÁLVAREZ: The Gastronomical Conquest: Morsels of Christian Thought and History from the Perspective of Hunger
Sturla J. STÅLSETT: Religión en la globalización: ¿Integración o resistencia?
Mario DEGIGLIO-BELLEMARE: Vodou Hybridity and "Voodoo Economics": Crossroads Theology at the Intersection of the Local and Global
Erin RUNIONS: Miracles, Apocalypse, Globalization
Lee CORMIE: Movements of the Spirit in History
